Easy return to Turbo Macro Pro (TMP)

All right, you've assembled your program and ran it. After watching your program to run for a while, you end its execution by hitting the RUN/STOP + RESTORE key combination. So, you end up in BASIC V2 to again ...

Because typing SYS32768 gets old really fast, here's a small code snippet you can use stop your program execution by hitting only the RESTORE key and also jump right back into TMP again without having to type anything.

; Place this code in the start of your program.
; The vanilla TMP start address is $8000 (32768).
; If you use TMP+REU, the address is different.
JUMPBACK  = $8000
        LDA #<JUMPBACK
        STA $0318
        LDA #>JUMPBACK
        STA $0319
Thanks for Robin for sharing this information in a video on his YouTube channel "8-bit show and tell".

PS: See this list of opcodes to make sense of the code above.